Bitstamp, the world’s longest-running crypto exchange, has launched its first ever ad campaign to position itself as a stable, trustworthy platform.
The campaign – designed to emphasise the simplicity of the trading venue – features three videos, each highlighting the companies pride in being a “rock-solid kind of boring”.
Market participants in the digital assets industry have embarked on several campaigns in recent months following the conviction of Sam Bankman Fried, the former boss of the FTX exchange.
“The campaign turns the traditional idea of boring on its head, showing that in the volatile world of crypto, a boring crypto exchange is what investors need,” said Jean-Baptiste Graftieaux, global chief executive officer of Bitstamp.
“It celebrates the pride we take in our steadfast reliability, simplicity, and regulatory compliance focus, in an industry often overwhelmed by complexity and hype.”
The campaign shows Bitstamp’s reliable, simple, and safe approach to crypto exchange through traditional settings, such as a classic board room table and a wooden panelled office.
The second advertisement captures a representative stating that “boring means secure. Boring means you can sleep soundly at night,” and pulling an eye mask over his face to rest.
“Our new advertising campaign conveys the message that Bitstamp has been proudly boring since 2011, although the ads themselves are bold and playful,” Graftieaux added.